Research For Hire, Inc. has been conducting agricultural research since 1983.  We conduct all residue trials following Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) within the requirements of EPA and GLP Standards. Our company has an experienced staff of Biologists, Research Assistants and a Quality Assurance Unit. We have Standard Operating Procedures in place to handle the conduct of most agricultural research programs.  Research For Hire has a permanent staff of 25 employees with seasonal staff added at the field technician level each year.

The Research For Hire office is located in Porterville, Tulare County, California, which is in the southcentral San Joaquin Valley.  Tulare County is one of the top agricultural producing counties in the United States, and commercially produces over 275 different agricultural commodities.  We enjoy a Mediterranean climate in the San Joaquin Valley thus giving us the ability to grow a wide variety of crops.

At our main office, we have approximately 26 acres of a clay loam soil available for research.  Additionally, we have two greenhouses, a lab facility for the quantification of beta emitting radioisotopes.  Approximately 6 miles west of our facility is a 74-acre sandy loam soil, field research farm.  This facility is designed to grow crops in either large or small blocks following most commercial practices.  We also have capabilities to grow small scale research row crops in Monterey County.  We conduct research off-site with commercial growers throughout most of California however; most of our focus is in the San Joaquin and Salinas Valleys. GLP residue programs comprise approximately 70% of our annual work with the balance of work being dedicated to efficacy studies.

We have experience in conducting most types of residue studies such as cropped, bareground and aquatic dissipation trials.  We also conduct worker exposure re-entry and dislodgeable foliar and soil residue trials.  We have conducted 14-C Nature of the Residue, Magnitude of the Residue, and Confined Crop Rotation studies in a variety of crops such as cotton, citrus, grapes, peaches, apples, peanuts, soybeans, sugar beets, corn, tomatoes, rice and others. We also conduct GMO/APHIS regulated trials on a variety of crops including cotton, corn, alfalfa, soybeans, wheat and, sugar beets.  Additionally, we run efficacy trials along with having been involved in the conduct of irrigated run off and accumulation studies, ground water and stored grain trials.

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